Sono uscite delle nuove specialità per tutti gli Scout Scientifici del mondo.
Ne riporto solo alcune, potrete trovare l'intero elenco qui:
By the grace of all that is good about science
The “talking science” badge.
Required for all members. Assumes the recipient conducts himself/herself in such a manner as to talk science whenever he/she gets the chance. Not easily fazed by looks of disinterest from friends or the act of “zoning out” by well intentioned loved ones. (DN)
The “MacGyver” badge.
In which the recipient has demonstrated that his/her science communciation prowess was handy in simplifying a potentially challenging scenario. For example, was able to escape from unjustified prison term, with the clever use of a paper clip and WD-40. You know, that kind of thing. (Note that display of badge must be accompanied by explanation). (JN)
The “I work with way too much radioactivity, and yet still no discernable superpowers yet” badge.
…Although not for lack of trying…
The “I’ve done science with no conceivable practical application” badge.
There are probably more who are deserving of this badge than you would expect. (BZ)
The “I’ve set fire to stuff” badge (LEVEL I).
In which the recipient has set fire to stuff, all in the name of general scientific curiosity. (AB)
The “I’ve set fire to stuff” badge (LEVEL II).
In which the recipient has set fire to stuff, while fully aware of all combustion principles at play. (AB)
The “I’ve set fire to stuff” badge (LEVEL III).
In which the recipient has set fire to stuff, while fully aware of all thermodynamic principles at play. (AB)
The “I’ve set fire to stuff” badge (LEVEL IV).
In which the recipient has set fire to his or herself while performing experiments in the name of science. Cooking or drinking accidents do not qualify one for this badge. (JM)
Post rivolto a tutti coloro che sono o sono stati scout e sono felici di aver fatto questa esperienza.
Grazie B.P.
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